5 Minutes with a Teamwork Expert: Paul McGovern, UK/IRE and EU Sales Manager

May 20, 2024 | Blog

Paul McGovern

Paul Mc Govern

UK/IRE and EU Sales Manager

Continuing with our blog series – Five Minutes With… – we get to know Paul McGovern, UK/IRE and EU Sales Manager at Teamwork Commerce. Alongside being Teamwork’s very own football phenomenon, Paul handles the company’s growth in the UK and European region. Here he shares all about his experience working at the business…

  • What is your role at Teamwork Commerce?

I am UK/IRE and EU Sales Manager for Teamwork Commerce. Commercially, I am responsible for the growth of Teamwork Commerce, working with our fantastic partners and team based in Europe.


  • Explain your career path. What inspired you to join the retail tech industry?

Since graduating from university, I have spent my life working in sales and the software industry. I have always enjoyed the retail space, and one of my earliest working memories was stacking shelves at a local Woolworths store in the UK. Retail is the heart of many towns and cities across the world but is often held back by an ageing way of working.

Technology gives retailers the power to not only deliver the experience customers expect, but to also create a happy environment for those that work in it. Working within the retail tech industry combines two things that I am genuinely passionate about: Retail and Tech!


  • What is your favorite thing about working in the retail industry?

Every time I speak with a retailer, I learn something new. It is such a fast-paced environment. Things are always changing. I find the whole process of how a product is designed, manufactured, delivered, and then sold, to be fascinating.


  • What is the best career advice you have ever received?

Find a place that will support you, allows you to grow and gives you a voice.


  • What is your favorite thing about working at Teamwork Commerce?

The people and the tech. Since joining, I have been made to feel welcomed, valued and a trusted member of the family. The tech – natively integrated POS & OMS – is the best I have seen.


  • Who are your key role models/inspirations?

My role models are my parents.


Rapid Fire Round…

What is your favorite…

  • Book:“The Firm”, John Grisham
  • Movie: “Step Brothers”
  • Album: 2001 by Dr Dre


Most people don’t know that I…

I played in the same youth football team as Peter Crouch, even appearing in his first autobiography! I am looking forward to starting a Teamwork Commerce 5-a-side team!

In my spare time, I…

Love to spend time with my wife and kids. I am a season ticket holder at QPR so spend many Saturday afternoons cheering on the pride of West London!

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